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The embossing technique is an ancient process, now made easier by modern technology. Pressure, heat and the depth of the matrix are the three factors that influence the end result. This type of processing is widely utilised when wanting to communicate class and luxury, such as for business cards, menus and material for hotels.

This highly-refined decorative effect adds a three-dimensionality to the paper or cardboard.

This process transforms a flat surface into one with a drawing or lettering in relief, which attracts the eye and invites the touch.


LITOGRAFIA NINO ANDRETTA srl - Via Roma 123-D, 35010 MASSANZAGO PADOVA - Tel. 049 93 60 330 - Fax 049 93 64 168
P.Iva 04032170286 - SDI J6URRTW - REA N.356298 - CAP SOC. € 45000,00 i.v.