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Printing on PVC/PET

Printing on PVC, PET and PPL is carried out with the use of UV inks via the offset technique, hence not screen printing. The basic white colour or just the four-colour process are printed on straight transparent PVC or mirrored window decals.

We print on a range of plastic materials (PVC, PPL, PET), be they white or transparent and in various thickness (up to 1.5 microns).

Printing with polymer plates enables in-line printing an opaque white layer, perfect – for example – for double-sided window decals in which the colour does not show through from one side to the other.

The adhesive substrates allow half die-cutting by means of in-line shearing.


LITOGRAFIA NINO ANDRETTA srl - Via Roma 123-D, 35010 MASSANZAGO PADOVA - Tel. 049 93 60 330 - Fax 049 93 64 168
P.Iva 04032170286 - SDI J6URRTW - REA N.356298 - CAP SOC. € 45000,00 i.v.