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Offset printing with UV and acrylic in-line varnish

UV varnishing: the inks are subjected to an ultraviolet lamp, in order to obtain a highly shiny and lasting effect.

Full-area acrylic painting: using the traditional printing machine, the paint is extended with a spreader.

Blister painting: water-based heat-sealing paint, ideal for food packaging.

In addition to Drip-Off printing, we carry out full-area UV and acrylic varnishes or blister varnishes, in order to broaden our offering to our customers as much as possible.


LITOGRAFIA NINO ANDRETTA srl - Via Roma 123-D, 35010 MASSANZAGO PADOVA - Tel. 049 93 60 330 - Fax 049 93 64 168
P.Iva 04032170286 - SDI J6URRTW - REA N.356298 - CAP SOC. € 45000,00 i.v.